Raise Your Vote

This project was awarded Best of Show at the Black Lives Matter Juried Art Exhibition in 2021.

This project also received an award at the Voting Invitational at the ISEC Gallery.

This project was created for Design It Forward Kentucky, or DIFKY, a 24-hour competition that gives students the experience of a real-world deadline, while serving local nonprofits. For this brief, we were challenged to create a nonpartisan brand to encourage the importance of voting. We received the brief at 5 pm on Friday and all deliverables would be turned in by 5 pm the next day. We then used all of Saturday night to prepare for the pitch that was at 9 am Sunday morning.

My team consisted of two fellow WKU designers, Remy Smith, and Katie Priest. My role in this project was significant to the creation of the look of the final campaign. I was responsible for designing the logo, choosing the type and colors, as well as art directing the other’s work to ensure that our work maintained a cohesive look throughout all of our pieces.

This project was done in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Indesign.


Brand Design
Logo design
Brand Identity
Social Media
Package Design
White Space Ideation


Fruit of the Loom - Adapted For Me


Travel Oregon